Improving the Lives of Many

Cuba 4 Christ, Inc. is a non for profit organization with locations in Jacksonville and West Palm Beach, Florida. Cuba 4 Christ, Inc. is a 501c3 organization and all deductions are fully tax deductible.
One-Time Donation
Change lives by helping Cuba 4 Christ
Donations allow Cuba 4 Christ to continue to provide mission trips from the United States to help our church partners in the country of Cuba. We bring resources for the churches to help spread the life changing salvation of Christ. It is very difficult to purchase necessary items so we need missionaries to help bring resources and friends of Cuba 4 Christ to provide money for resources. C4C is a 501c 3 non profit and all donations are tax deductible. All donation are welcome at all times. If you have it in your heart to help people in a country that has a hard time helping themselves please be assured that 100 percent of the donations are used towards Christian Ministry. C4C has a force of 100% volunteers.